Kdenn's Age Counter

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

What a Present!!! 6mths kdenn

FinAlly, one fine afternoon, out to lunch with ah Gong, ah Ma, jiu-jiu and mummy + daddy! My first time in restaurant high chaiR! But trust me i was moody and cranky, and i got famous over there, with my loud cRanks, jus can't sit quietLy when daddy n mummy thought so i could! Afterall, i was tiRed, and didn't liKe the poRRidge prepared that afternoon. I vomited so many times i used up all the cLothEs mummy brought along, and all the handkies she hangEd on me toO. Towards the end of the sumptuous buFFet then they realised that i was actualy not fed enough so i "sang" thRu!!!!!! Mummy and daddy are soO angry, thEy wEre!!! Afterall, coz it was suppose to be such a wonderful meaningful day: Celebration of dad&mUm's 4yrs engagement, ah-gong & ah-ma 28yrs engagement, also in lieu of FathErs' Day 2006, dad's 1st fathers' day!!!

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