Kdenn's Age Counter

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

Monday, June 05, 2006

Get SeRious on JouRnEy

Kdenn now sits in his biggest GiFt, his dedicated chiLd RestRaint!!!
WhEre hE leaRns tO sit tight, bEhave and then...
"hoLd it thEre, we'Re reaching"-mUmmy aLways say. But stiLL it takes quite some time heehee...
And at this tiMe, 5mths+, hE finaLLy did it!!! (HavE to reMember hiS honOur) KEEP it Up, my deaRest KdeNN!!!
And of couRse, thAnks to auntie CathErine Lim, FeliciA and many othErs fOr thiS gift of finding hiM a seat suitaBle for Use nOw!!

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