FinAlly, one fine afternoon, out to lunch with ah Gong, ah Ma, jiu-jiu and mummy + daddy! My first time in restaurant high chaiR! But trust me i was moody and cranky, and i got famous over there, with my loud cRanks, jus can't sit quietLy when daddy n mummy thought so i could! Afterall, i was tiRed, and didn't liKe the poRRidge prepared that afternoon. I vomited so many times i used up all the cLothEs mummy brought along, and all the handkies she hangEd on me toO. Towards the end of the sumptuous buFFet then they realised that i was actualy not fed enough so i "sang" thRu!!!!!! Mummy and daddy are soO angry, thEy wEre!!! Afterall, coz it was suppose to be such a wonderful meaningful day: Celebration of dad&mUm's 4yrs engagement, ah-gong & ah-ma 28yrs engagement, also in lieu of FathErs' Day 2006, dad's 1st fathers' day!!!
Kdenn now sits in his biggest GiFt, his dedicated chiLd RestRaint!!!
WhEre hE leaRns tO sit tight, bEhave and then... "hoLd it thEre, we'Re reaching"-mUmmy aLways say. But stiLL it takes quite some time heehee...
And at this tiMe, 5mths+, hE finaLLy did it!!! (HavE to reMember hiS honOur) KEEP it Up, my deaRest KdeNN!!! And of couRse, thAnks to auntie CathErine Lim, FeliciA and many othErs fOr thiS gift of finding hiM a seat suitaBle for Use nOw!!
This time round, daddy & mummy set up a king seat in kdenn's playpen, good gracious in such a hot day, fitting him in nicely with his own piLLows & bolsters!! PiLLow on head and bolster suppoRting his back? -there, he goes smiLing in angerrrr again!!!!