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Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Happy CNY 2008!!

Happy "Mickey Mouse" New Year 2008!

Went to Granny's house over CNY in JB this year (finally)!! Daddy meets his final wait!! He loves to go back hometown as usual... Been long since everyone could see Kdenn's pictures again! Here's some to share.... over CNY holidays!

New jumpers from "SZ ah yi" (future 舅母) ...look at his damn fake expression HOW iNNOCENT!!

Visit to Changi Airport T3...a fascinating place to explore!....for him!

Kdenn learns to "Stay Cool" on Travellators!!

cool...and steady...!!

Interesting new shirt from Daddy...with a "imaginery tie" printed on it. Real!!???

...as usual, running after the camera!

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