Kdenn's Age Counter

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

Monday, April 16, 2007

16 months old

Kdenn turns 16 months old on 17 April 2007!! Mummy take this day to update his growing up learning abilities as of today. Let's see.... Kdenn now knows how to...

- show that he is afraid by using his hands to tap lightly on his chest

- point to daddy and mummy

- applause clapping his hands happily

- find his walking shoes and attempt to wear it when asked to do so (but of course don know how to wear la :P)

- wave goodbye and french kiss

- swings his hands left and right and left and right together with ah-ma and all

- point at bus, aeroplane, birds, cats and dogs

- keep his toys (when he got mood la)

- go to bathroom when we say "bom-bom", play water and bathe(in chinese)

- use hanky to clean his eyes when water flows into his face

but hor... still don wan to hold milk-bottle leh!!!! :( ... a bit lazy lor heehee...
...and he loves to go to the swimming pool, splash water, play balls of any sizes, push cars, flip books...and throw things!!
Next month shall be a significant month Mummy is looking super forward to, because Kdenn is turning 17months on the 17 May and is also Mummy's birthday hahahhaaaaa....

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