Kdenn's Age Counter

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

Friday, October 20, 2006

Bathing Craze!!

The fun of bathing is seen in kdenn's eyes now, in his 10th month. He can't wait to be placed into his tub when he sees mummy in the bathroom preparing his evening bath. He will crawl eagerly and anxiously to the bathroom the moment he spots mummy or ah-ma in there! he knows, he knows!! so cute leh....! and there he wets mummy's clothes with his violent splashes and of course, the next thing u know, he doesn't wanna come out of the bathtub after that! status:easily laughable baby heeheeheeee... ;crawls fast and even dare to go down a step to the kitchen;bites everything he gets hold of; loves to play with ropes and strings; very fierce(like bull-dog); light-sleeper(poor mummy & daddy)loves 9pm NEWS-REPORTER(mainly, but still got many other girls) trying to pull himself up to stand!!...he is growing!!...fast!...mmmuack!

1 comment:

alwaysDaBabe said...

kdenn looks like he lost weight...quick make him eat! hehee