Kdenn's Age Counter

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

kdenn STOP scRatchiNG!!!

why i can't be moving my aRms my face is itchyyyyy i keep scratching, thatz why mummy have to tiE me UP like THAT! my face lookS hoRRibLe u mean? Do i? "oh my gosh" mummy says, and "NO NO NO!!!" she beats my dirty hands off i don giVe a daMn! Jus oFFeR my sigNage-sMiLeeee, and i thought i'LL be frEEd??? NOOOO!!! shE tiEs me up even HARDER!!! ...2 layers thiS time!, for better pRotection! but i'm stRong! jus continue to stRuggle la! don care, sure can overcome after some time, like i've always did!!! hahahah is Me, but angry is MuMMiE & DaddY ! HAHAHA ;P

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