Kdenn's Age Counter

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

Monday, March 27, 2006

nOw fiFFY kiNG!

Heehee mummy said itz too hot lately, so she bought mE one of thEse cooLies shiRts.... nOw i got toO mucH fiFFy cLothEs i becOmE fiFFy kiNG! haha


whEn Mummy never sees,.....JUST DO IT!
(don understand why: only my hands satisfy me MOST!)

Thanks Auntie AnGeLa ;P.

mummy said i ought to thanks Auntie Angela for my 1st toytoy HiPPo-HiPPo!
Was so bright thaz why i lOvE it heehee.... something from my fiRst touCh!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

LittLe DEViL

DecLare hiM the
panel of judges
mummy daddy granddaddy grandmummy uncles & aunties

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

kdenn STOP scRatchiNG!!!

why i can't be moving my aRms my face is itchyyyyy i keep scratching, thatz why mummy have to tiE me UP like THAT! my face lookS hoRRibLe u mean? Do i? "oh my gosh" mummy says, and "NO NO NO!!!" she beats my dirty hands off i don giVe a daMn! Jus oFFeR my sigNage-sMiLeeee, and i thought i'LL be frEEd??? NOOOO!!! shE tiEs me up even HARDER!!! ...2 layers thiS time!, for better pRotection! but i'm stRong! jus continue to stRuggle la! don care, sure can overcome after some time, like i've always did!!! hahahah is Me, but angry is MuMMiE & DaddY ! HAHAHA ;P

1st haiRcUt

mummy doesn't like my hAiR dropping so sHe got my hair sHaved! oh ever in my liFetiMe hAd i haVe thiS 1st haiR being cUt!!! ??? nOw i look liKe army-dazzze?? oR m i stiLL handsoMe? i jus cRied i didn't caRe. i wan to bE carriEd, eLse i wan to b seatEd!! NOT carry on BAcK! it's SooOo hot on my back i'm tiRed of that!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

ur smiLe meLts...

kdenn staRts to smiLe to ppLe often, practicaLLy aLmost to anyOne wHo sMiLes at hiM!
Thought U'LL be happy whEn he smiLes at u? wEll, that means he wans u to carry him! hE smiLes at mummy & daddy, and with legs excitedly kicking, without caring wat he hits. And he wans a hUG! he loves U to sing to him, he wans to hear grandmummy sing lullaby and there, he thought he was singing together with his "oOos, arhs, brrrsss, eehhhs, lrrrreeeeiiiiiii....." etc. wow! he jolly well knows wat hez mumbling about... hmm...
"play with me, come, play with mE..!!"

aRRivaL: 1st 2 mOnths

the 1st 2 months of super impatience was he, my little boy kdenn!
He can't wait when he's hungry, as if he wasn't being fed for days! He kicks and he throws temper, making daddy n mummy difficult to carry him comfortably, he makes noise, calling for milk to be served immediately, he wants means he wants, and he wants it now!
Mummy & Daddy lovEs kdenn, and therefOre, every week mummy takes a snapshot and here is where she shows them all, for
Kdenn boy, daddy's littLe kiNG!!