Kdenn's Age Counter

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

Friday, July 11, 2008

kdenn holds his pen

One thing we have never realised, actually Kdenn holds his pen quite perfectly, don't you think so? Mum decided to keep a picture for his nice position, his first positions, first strokes, oh yes, he's a "Leftie" yeah... thought he is quite "professional" at holding it huh... but this stubborn boy doesn't want to let mummy hold his hand and teach him to write something!! He sees how we hold the pen and he follows, or rather, imitate, but he doesn't want us to continue to teach him more .... aiiii.... he is really exploring hard, and he definitely has his own thinking of when he wants to let us teach him write, when he wants to learn to write correctly, or learn his strokes...

1 comment:

enchanted_forest said...

Yap he's got the grip. His moto skill is good. :) Jia you Kdenn!