Kdenn's Age Counter

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

Monday, June 30, 2008

Neat & Cool two & a half!

Time flies! Kdenn has turned 2 1/2 yrs old...

Wanted to get him a haircut some time ago, but the salon is so expensive here! Don't like the way they earn parents' money! I really din mind if they do a good worthy job, but i went to one children salon before with kids' facilities, but i saw the auntie's face and shutoff immediately. SHe totally look "china-chinese" and i don wan to accept her service at all! The way she dresses is like going to market, and it doesn't reflect how much she is charging! --it costs $16 for my son's haircut can u take it??-- i sure will not pay for that short fast haircutting session! And how good and professional can you go with the little kid!!

Frankly speaking, i m only willing to pay $5 -- the most-- for kdenn's haircut!!

So, all these.... are OUT!!

So i prefer to cut his hair myself, and only when we get to daddy's hometown!!

And this was what he got last weekend.... for 3.50RM. mummy and daddy -- very satisfied!!! hahaha

Kdenn cried at the haircut, but was over after that anyway.... heeeheeee....NEAT & COOL!
--ops...ignore the messy background ok :P

1 comment:

enchanted_forest said...

Haha so cute!
Get a electric shaver and do it yourself mam, if this is the style you want him to have. :p Can save alot in the long run. Hehe.