Coming back to his toys at home, he loves to queue his toy cars at home, and is the dining table!!!... not a good place though, but he did it after seeing lots of traffic jam news on tvs, and probably when he always sit in daddy's car travelling on the road everyday hahahaa!... But he is kind of getting lazy of keeping them more and more... got to remind him to keep before he switch his attention to another activity.

He got a camera from Grandauntie Daisy, and started smiling to the camera, counting 2-4 (yeah, not 1-3) and start smiling to the camera... so funny right!!! hahaha... we guess it must have been the class photo shoot he went through few weeks ago... that he learned to smile after counting, and to the camera lor! heeheee... and thus, mum made use of this method to get him to smile to the camera for some recent shots for the month heeheeee.... oh yeah, because of his short hairstyle, he started wearing cap this month too heehee... yeah he's surprisingly OK with it!! yeh!