Kdenn's Age Counter

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

yet another playful kid

Kdenn went to Granduncle Eric's house and had whole of his time fiddling with things around the living room. First was the unique bendable leg rest armchair/sofa, up and down, and up and down, again and again... next was the rocking chair, granduncle's beloved resting reading chair, was told it's all oak, and safe for kids because there's no metal or steel screws even at the rocking parts. The rocking is smooth, Kdenn was rocking hard, harder and harder, and mum stare sternly at him, (with terror and fright) to stop him from doing damage to things in the house (oh, plsss!!!)... he was enjoying his time there, talking to granduncle, answering his questions, singing the same song again and again... watching the big 50" plasma in the living room... gosh!! it's a afternoon, BUT... NO NAP, not in the least, TIRED at all!!! amazing! ... happily being snapped, chucking himself with the neck pillow as well... exploring the comfortable lower back pillow rest... bla bla bla.... aiyooooo.... as if it's HIS home!!!??? oh my boy! am i supposed to be angry or happy!?

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