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Saturday, August 11, 2007

One is Enough...

A long weekend since national day (Thursday) plus mummy took leave yesterday (Friday) and this makes today so much longer hahaha... This morning there was a "Asthma Documentary" on U-Channel research done by some Korean Doctors. Suddenly it came to show us some useful knowledge and a better understanding of causes and happenings of Asthma and Bronchitis in kids ....like our little Kdenn. FYI, researchers had shown that asthma rates are higher in richer countries!! Qn: Are we rich? (heeheeheeeheee...)

As u expected, Kdenn started with runny nose again last week. Gradually coughing started, just like the usual cough cycle. *Coughing is always our greatest headache and struggle with Kdenn. Usually he can take more than 2 weeks to recover lor.... haiiiiii.... Just before this, he was taking the Chinese medicine and everything was under control. Carelessly after the medication was completed, mummy forgot to continue to get more medicine for him to continue. And now we really regret not remembering to do that!! Otherwise, he would not have been coughing now and still having runny nose AGAIN!!

Why always non-stop... one after another... haiiiii.... isthis part and parcel of his growing up?

A Chinese therapist introduced mummy to bring kdenn to this Chinese physician and Tanjong Pagar. That day when mummy was almost reaching the Medical Hall there, she realised that Kdenn had coughed too much. The night before, he didn't stop coughing after 3am (ie about 2 coughs in every 2 mins) How can u continue sleeping like that lor!!! But then when mummy drove kdenn to the medical hall, she realised that Kdenn is going to go breathless soon... so immediately she decided to take the 2nd option which the Chinese Therapist introduced - to the Specialist at Gleneagles. We head to Gleneagles Medical Centre immediately after booking an available slot with the Doctor.
To cut it short, that first consultation cost mummy $264 approx. That included renting the Nebuliser home for 4 days.

After the Nebulisation for 4 days, following up the next appointment cost us another $101. Gosh.... think we are going to faint if this appt goes on!! We seen every kid's parents walked out with the same few medications and the nebuliser. The doctor specialises in Cough and Asthma. We wonder how all the other parents can afford to come here for the consultation and medications. We wonder what is so unusual about this doctor. We wonder what do all these parents like about the doctor and what miracles can this doctor do.... Is this going to be a prolonged thing that we have to continue to pay a high price for him? The only significant words the Doctor said that we can remember vividly was: Cannot go shopping, market, hawker... places with lots of people and crowds. This is a long-term diagnosis process. The phlegm will take more than a month to subside...!!!

We did not spend on the nebuliser of course! We took this as a lesson that we will remember to continue his chinese medications after this batch of medication is completed. Now is still a matter of time... whether when is his phlegm going to come to a stop, and when is the mucus drying up and say BYE!!!..... till we can start afresh again...

Since this has been a slow healing process, a part of our "fixed expenditures" :P we thought ..."one was enough".... and mummy has almost come to a decision... she decided that she would not want another sibling for kdenn already... we did not want to take any more heartful risks like this... so heartpain lor.... everytime something happens... haiiii....let's see how long this decision can be fixed for ;)

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