Kdenn's Age Counter

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

Monday, June 18, 2007

18 Months on 17 June 2007

Mummy and Kdenn dressed ready to go secret lunch celebration arranged by ah-gong!!!
We had a lunch celebration at Da-ShangHai at Kings Centre today.... celebrating Mummy(ah-ma) Birthday, Fathers' Day and Kdenn's 18months birthday hahahaa....

Kdenn and his pressie from auntie SweeZeng (jiu-jiu GF).... Tiga... noisy tiga.... always kena abused by Kdenn!!
haiii.... 18months liao... but still haven call mummy and daddy lor... only "ah-DA, ah-DA, ...." everything also "da", daaaa" , "daaa!!!!" loud loud one lor!!! heeheehee... so fierce also... knows what is happening around, but don know how to speak in words yet....

Kdenn in his latest favourite post!!! :S Trying to see things in his different perspective... "where is my truck!!??"

Here is his favourite truck, jiujiu's toy since boy!!! Antique!!! Sure damaged in his hands soon!!

This is how Kdenn bully Daddy nowadays!!!!.... his jumping board :P:P!!!!

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